I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Thinking allowed, thinking aloud

The phrase “use a thorn to remove another thorn” is a metaphor used by Ramana Maharshi to describe the process of using spiritual teachings or concepts to eliminate other concepts that cause suffering or ignorance.

The idea is that just as a thorn can be used to remove another thorn embedded in the skin, a spiritual teaching (itself a concept) can help remove misconceptions or false beliefs. Once the initial problem is resolved, both the teaching and the misconception should be discarded, as clinging to them can become an impediment.

Ramana Maharshi likened his teachings to tools that should be used temporarily. For instance, he compared his teachings to a wooden stick used to prod a burning pyre; once the pyre has done its job of burning away the ego, the stick itself is also consumed by the fire. This reflects the idea that teachings are not ultimate truths but provisional aids on the path to self-realization.

In another analogy, Ramana Maharshi described self-inquiry as holding a bunch of fresh grass under a bull’s nose to lead it back into its stable. This represents guiding the mind back to its source, the Self, where it can find peace and bliss, rather than wandering outside.

Disclaimer, the above text is machine generated!
It is intended as inspiration for your own dis-covery.


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