Author: Holger
Ai: How real is our experience?
Magdi emphasizes the fundamental unity of all existence in consciousness. The path to liberation lies in recognizing our true nature as formless awareness, releasing identification with the personal self, and embracing the impersonal unfolding of reality. This understanding provides a framework for navigating the challenges of life with greater peace, love, and acceptance.
Just Relax 🌸
“Magdi’s invitations to relax are not merely about physical relaxation, but also about a deeper release of mental constructs, identifications, and the sense of a separate self, in order to experience the freedom and peace that he suggests are already present.”
Magdi’s teachings emphasize that the true self is not a personal entity, but rather a universal, formless, and effortless being-awareness that is the foundation of all existence.
Universal Awareness?
If you are interested, I would like to discuss the topic of Universal Awareness. The Awareness that Magdi is talking about.
Briefing Document: Non-Dual Spirituality and Self-Knowing
“The primary message emphasizes that suffering and seeking arise from a misunderstanding of our real nature. This misunderstanding can be resolved through direct recognition of what we already are: being-awareness. The text uses questions to guide the reader towards this direct recognition.”
Only a belief… that something is missing.
Magdi emphasizes that the perception of something missing or lacking is a result of identifying with a limited, personal self. This is a belief, not an actual reality, and it is the source of our suffering. True peace and happiness, according to Magdi, are realized when we awaken to our true nature as formless awareness,…
The illusion of separation
“In essence, Magdi’s teachings aim to dismantle the illusion of separation by revealing our true nature as formless, borderless awareness, the one and only reality. By understanding and embodying this truth, we can experience the causeless peace, joy, and freedom that is our natural state.”
Come back to the self you never left…
Walter: This is a new video from Rupert. It is a nice guided mediation about remembering that which we already are – our true selves – pure awareness (or consciousness).
Recognizing the ‘I Am’ That is Always Present
“Amoda Maa’s YouTube video discusses the nature of presence, arguing that it’s not a specific state like stillness or alertness but an ever-present “I am” underlying all experiences. The speaker contends that by shifting attention from the content of experience (emotions, thoughts) to this underlying “I am,” individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of beingness…
Can suffering ever end?
Contemporary: Being clear about words, fun-da-mental and rewarding: Pleasure and pain are circumstantial (not in our control). Suffering is attitudinal.Suffering is a story we add to experience. The central figure of the story, the sufferer, is ‘me’, a quasi entity, a mental construct (10% faulty thinking + 90% muscle-memory). Who is suffering? The common-sense…