I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Why not Soul?

Holger: Why doesn’t Magdi use the word/concept “Soul”?
(The question about “Soul” came up in the context of this book.)

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NotebookLM: The provided sources do not directly address why Magdi does not use the word/concept “soul.” However, the sources do offer insights into Magdi’s teachings that may explain the absence of this term. Here’s an analysis:

Emphasis on Formlessness: Magdi frequently emphasizes that our true nature is formless awareness…. The term “soul” often carries connotations of a personal entity, however subtle, which contradicts Magdi’s focus on the impersonal, universal nature of consciousness.

Critique of Personal Identity: Magdi consistently challenges the idea of a separate, personal self or entity. The concept of a soul might be seen as another layer of personal identification, which Magdi seeks to dissolve.

Focus on Direct Experience: Magdi encourages a direct, experiential understanding of our true nature as awareness. The term “soul” might be considered a concept that could interfere with this direct experience by introducing a layer of belief or interpretation.

Rejection of Dualism: Magdi emphasizes non-duality, or the understanding that there is only one reality, and that there is no separation between the perceiver and the perceived. The idea of a soul as a separate entity might imply a dualistic view, which is not aligned with Magdi’s teachings.

Emphasis on ‘I AM’: Magdi frequently uses “I AM” to refer to the fundamental awareness, or beingness. This “I AM” is not a personal self but a universal presence, which does not need to be described as a “soul”. It is the direct experience of being, prior to any conceptualization or personal story.

Instead of using “soul,” Magdi uses terms that convey the formless, universal, and non-dual nature of our true self, such as:

Awareness/Consciousness: The fundamental, formless reality that perceives and knows itself.

Being/Beingness: The state of simply existing, without personal identity or definition.

Presence: The immediate, formless reality of “now”.

Formless Self/Reality: The true nature that is not limited by any form or definition.

God/Universal Self: The ultimate reality, of which we are all a part.

In summary, Magdi’s choice to avoid the term “soul” likely stems from his emphasis on the formless, impersonal, non-dual, and directly experienced nature of our true self, which contrasts with common connotations associated with the word “soul”.

Holger: The question about “Soul” came up in the context of this book.


One response to “Why not Soul?”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    Given that in reality, there is no separation anywhere in the cosmos and given that reality is one, whether you call it universal awareness, consciousness or universal soul does not matter much.
    And yet, given that over time, the term soul has been overused and refers to a personal presence or a personal consciousness (albeit connected to a higher order), the term soul is not a fitting term to use in the non-dual teaching.

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