I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

abstract, mysterious, real, unknown

What is real for awareness is abstract and mysterious for the mind. What is real for the mind is unknown for awareness.
Rupert Spira says:

This statement highlights the paradoxical nature of consciousness and its relationship to the mind. Awareness, or consciousness, is our immediate experience of reality, while the mind attempts to understand and explain that experience.

For awareness, the direct experience of consciousness is real and undeniable. We are intimately familiar with what it feels like to be conscious, yet this subjective experience remains abstract and difficult to define objectively. The nature of consciousness itself is elusive and mysterious when we try to analyze it with our minds.

Conversely, the mind deals with concepts, theories, and physical explanations of reality. It seeks to understand the material world and the brain processes that give rise to consciousness. However, this objective understanding of reality remains separate from the direct experience of awareness itself.

This dichotomy creates a fundamental challenge in the philosophy of mind, known as the mind-body problem. While we can observe correlations between brain activity and conscious experiences, explaining how physical processes give rise to subjective awareness remains a profound mystery.

In essence, the statement captures the tension between our immediate conscious experience and our intellectual attempts to explain that experience, highlighting the ongoing challenge in bridging the gap between subjective awareness and objective understanding.

Disclaimer, the above text is machine generated!
It is intended as inspiration for your own dis-covery.

Call to inner space:

Please, don’t rush away, like ‘normal’, as a passive consumer!
Give yourself a voice, no matter how embarrassing (me-virus).

Share your moment in time 😇

What would you like to see here,
what is missing?

What hinders you to meet ‘other’ truth-lovers and once and for all debunk (see, feel and relax) the subtle misunderstanding – the ‘me-story’ – that causes suffering and unhappiness?

We were not born to cry!


Life is more than paying bills and paying attention to things that don’t nurture us.

Allow yourself to ‘be misunderstood’.
Psychological feelings cannot kill you,
but hypnotize you into a private ‘me’.

Say hello, shamelessly:


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