I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Can suffering ever end?


Being clear about words,
fun-da-mental and rewarding:

Pleasure and pain are circumstantial (not in our control).

Suffering is attitudinal.
Suffering is a story we add to experience.
The central figure of the story, the sufferer, is ‘me’, a quasi entity, a mental construct (10% faulty thinking + 90% muscle-memory).


Who is suffering?

The common-sense answer is to tell a story in time and space:

I am this body-mind named Holger,
I was born and will die.

I am a man, half of 116,
located on planet earth,
with a socio-economic status of ABC123.

This is a legitimate mental answer/identity.
It comes bundled with endless ideas of should, would and could (suffering).


What am I?

Am I an object in time and space?

I am the one aware of body-mind-world.

“I cannot be what I am aware of.”


Ya but!

Thinking is a tool, it is not a place to live in.

Understanding and relaxing the me-feeling and me-belief is so crucial, important and nurturing 🥰.

Alone I couldn’t see the cosmic joke!
Kudos to Magdi and the garden of friends.

Mind, your own business

Identified as ‘me’ I only knew contrast (pleasure-pain, good-bad).
I wasn’t aware of/as Presence/Being/Peace.

‘Me’ was a sense of lack – normal –, always busy being busy, trying to get somewhere, to be someone.

“Truth is simple, the seeker is complex.”

There is a subtle/huge difference between conceptualizing (me) and direct experience (I am); awareness is always whole and complete.

Happiness is yOur true nature, but we might overlook it for decades. We are so habituated to identify as the ‘me’ we think/feel/believe I am.

When is enough enough?

“Let the weed and the wheat grow together…”
Matthew 13:30


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