I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Tag: waking dream

  • Can suffering ever end?

    Can suffering ever end?

    Contemporary: Being clear about words, fun-da-mental and rewarding: Pleasure and pain are circumstantial (not in our control). Suffering is attitudinal.Suffering is a story we add to experience. The central figure of the story, the sufferer, is ‘me’, a quasi entity, a mental construct (10% faulty thinking + 90% muscle-memory).     Who is suffering? The common-sense…

  • What does Magdi say about friendship?

    What does Magdi say about friendship?

    Friendship as Part of the “Waking Dream” While Magdi doesn’t directly discuss friendship in these sources, the teachings offer a broader context in which friendship can be understood. The concept of the “waking dream” helps to reframe how we approach relationships, including friendships. ● Magdi describes the human experience as a “waking dream,” where we…