Author: Holger
You don’t gain anything by identifying
Goldheart Music · Mooji It's OK
🎶 “Don’t use inquiry as a pain-killer” 🕊️ Goldheart Music · Mooji It's OK https://Life-As.Art
Thank you Roger Castillo, for patiently sharing your deep thoughts and love for truth! Thank you for hammering home the me-chanism of suffering. Note to self (for Holger):
Magdi’s Meditative Contemplations
Magdi Badawy is a truth-lover and nondual presenter, living in Temecula, California. His free and generous sharing, his pointing, is about the immediacy of yOur true nature, not theoretical discussion. The following is a table of contents of Magdi’s most recent 50 guided meditations (until 11-11-2024). Over time I intend to add links to the…
Higher than making-sense
“Not everything that can be counted counts,and not everything that counts can be counted.” – Albert Einstein