I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Relevance of Non-dual Spirituality

What is the core message of non-dual spirituality, and how is it relevant today?

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The core message of non-dual spirituality centers on the idea that there is a fundamental, singular reality, and that this reality is one and the same with your own being. This message is consistent across various spiritual traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

Here are some key aspects of this core message, according to the sources:

Common Essential Theme:
Different spiritual traditions point to a core reality, and though they may use various names like consciousness, being, spirit, or emptiness, they agree on this singular sense of reality. These labels are just pointers to encourage recognition and understanding of that reality.

Oneness of Reality and Identity:
This reality and your individual identity are not separate; they are the same. To discover this reality, one needs to look within their own being or nature. This brings the concept into the immediacy of practical, personal experience.

Presence and Existence:
Your existence and presence are beyond doubt. Whatever you are is already present. The focus is on looking at what your own being and existence actually are in the present moment, engaging in direct recognition and looking for oneself.

The relevance of non-dual spirituality today can be understood through the following points:

Resolution of Suffering:
Non-dual teachings suggest that the root of suffering comes from a mistaken identity – the concept of being separate or limited. By recognizing that this separate self is only a concept and not the reality, one can experience freedom and a resolution of seeking, suffering, and doubt.

Overcoming Conceptual Limitations:
Experiences are not the problem; rather, it’s the concepts, labels, and judgments that we place on these experiences that create a sense of limitation. Without conceptualizing, an experience is just an energy or pattern that arises and passes, without any inherent problem.

Direct Experience:
The approach of non-duality is not about theoretical understanding, but rather about direct recognition and experience. It encourages looking at what is actually present, rather than getting lost in theoretical issues or conceptual rebuttals.

Practical Application:
Non-duality is a practical, hands-on approach involving looking at the fact of one’s own presence and being, and understanding the nature of that presence. This is an available, direct, and simple process because what is being looked for is already present.

Avoiding the “Booby Prize”:
It’s important to avoid merely asserting non-dual concepts without a genuine experiential understanding. The goal is not to just intellectually grasp the idea, but to have a real, solid, experiential recognition.

Starting with the Basics:
To get a handle on things, one should start with the basic questions of “Who am I?” and “What is my nature?”. This is because the view we have of ourselves acts as the lens through which we view the world. It is important to clarify one’s own identity.

Looking at the Root of Suffering:
Instead of trying to modify experiences, we are encouraged to examine the root of the sense of separation, that the separate self is a concept that has never existed.

Direct Knowing:
The truth is not a thing to be found, but a non-objective, vivid, doubtless reality, a presence that is always here. It is about noticing what you already know, instead of focusing on the mind’s concepts of who you are.

The message of non-duality remains relevant because it offers a direct path to understanding the true nature of reality and resolving suffering by investigating and recognizing the true nature of one’s own being, instead of getting lost in conceptual understanding.

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