I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

How is Atman Blissful…

Sorry! Unedited/messy transcript

In previous lectures, you have said that pain is also a thing which we experience, same as bliss. Both are experienced in the mind in the spectrum of emotions. Then why is Atman just pure bliss? Why can’t it also be pure pain? If it’s not, then it is because pain is related to the body mind and outer world, while bliss is the experience of mere absence of it.

Please clarify. Alright. So so in my earlier lectures, I have said that pain is also in the mind. I haven’t said it. Everybody knows it.

I don’t have to say it. This is the common problem of all humanity. In fact, all sentient beings, all jivas, human beings and animals and all, we all experience pain. So pain is a fact in the mind. But as you have said, range of emotions, the which is translated as bliss is not an emotion.

When you say Atman is as the witness consciousness is Ananda or bliss. It’s not an emotion. It is the very nature of consciousness which is different from the emotion. That’s why it’s not trans translated as pleasure or joy. It’s translated as bliss.

And not the emotion of being feeling blissful or feeling joyful. Emotions are in the mind. Pain is in the mind. Pleasure is in the mind. Then what is bliss?

Bliss is the very nature of consciousness, the witness itself. One way of understanding this would be, I am awareness. Whatever the mind is undergoing, I am awareness. 1 must first understand this. Otherwise, one cannot see what is going on in the mind unless you are awareness itself.

I as awareness remain the same throughout. Whatever happens in the mind, pleasure or pain, only because I’m aware, I can have the experience of pleasure. Only because I’m aware, I can have the experience of pain. Pleasure and pain are different. They come and go.

Awareness behind both of the same does not come and go. Now this awareness does not come and go, is not subject to birth and death, is not subject to change, and in fact does is the same in all beings or other all beings are in it. So this being the same, not coming and going, not changing, not increasing and decreasing, unlimited. This unlimited awareness itself is unlimited nature of awareness itself is ananda, bliss. Another word for it would be, completeness.

Another word for it would be, unlimited, infinite. That’s why in the our real nature is defined as. Existence, consciousness, limitlessness. You would have expected existence, consciousness, bliss. Sat, chit, ananda.

But what did the Upanishad say? Existence, consciousness, limitlessness. What what limitlessness of what? Limitlessness of existence consciousness. Limitless existence consciousness.

Swami Vivekananda says Truth knowledge and bliss that follows both in his song of sannyasin very interesting we are phrasing it Truth means existence. Knowledge means consciousness. Bliss that follows both means once you realize that I am that truth knowledge. Existence consciousness. That is bliss itself.

That will be reflected in the mind manifested in the mind of the enlightened being as joy. As the absence of pain. But in itself, the witness consciousness is neither pain nor pleasure. But even it when it is realized, it is realized, it is experienced, it is felt in the mind. That realization produces unlimited joy in the mind.

That’s why the enlightened one is joyful or blissful. So, I’m sorry to rush a little today, but thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I’m now scheduled to speak in Dublin, Ireland. I have to take leave of you here and join the audience in Dublin. Thank you very much, and take care, and stay safe.

What is Atman…

Atman is a fundamental concept in Hindu philosophy, often translated as “soul” or “self.” However, it is more accurately described as the true or eternal Self, representing the essence of an individual beyond physical existence.


Definition and Nature

  1. Eternal Essence: Atman refers to the self-existent essence within each individual, often characterized as pure consciousness or witness-consciousness. It is distinct from the material body and mind, which are seen as transient and subject to change.
  2. Transmigration: According to Hindu beliefs, Atman is eternal and undergoes a cycle of rebirth (reincarnation) after death. It moves from one body to another, reflecting the journey of the soul towards knowledge and liberation (moksha).
  3. Relation to Brahman: Atman is considered part of Brahman, the ultimate reality or universal spirit in Hinduism. The realization of one’s Atman is seen as a path to understanding and merging with Brahman.


Philosophical Perspectives

  1. Different Schools of Thought: Various philosophical schools within Hinduism interpret Atman differently:
    • Advaita (Non-Dualism) posits that Atman and Brahman are identical.
    • Dvaita (Dualism) views them as completely separate.
    • Bhedabheda holds that they are simultaneously both similar and different.
  2. Contrast with Buddhism: In contrast to Hindu views on Atman, Buddhism teaches the concept of Anatta (non-self), denying the existence of a permanent self or essence.


Significance in Spiritual Practice

The pursuit of self-knowledge (Atma Gyaan) is central to achieving liberation in Hinduism. Recognizing and realizing one’s Atman is considered essential for transcending individuality and understanding one’s true nature.



Atman embodies the core belief in the eternal aspect of human existence within Hinduism, emphasizing a journey towards self-realization and unity with the divine. It serves as a reminder of the deeper spiritual essence that exists beyond physical form and mental constructs.


One response to “How is Atman Blissful…”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    Unlike pleasure and pain, bliss is not a mind experience or mind state.
    Bliss refers to self-knowingness as the substratum of phenomenal events, a knowingness which shines onto the mind but is not sourced in the mind. It is the nature of reality, shining, completely unobstructed from itself onto itself, in full delight and freedom.
    Over the years, the term bliss has been overused in the new age community. It is best to refer to bliss as causeless peace and freedom.
    Words fail to properly address this topic.

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