I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.


H: What does Magdi say about being-awareness?

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NoteBookLM: Magdi speaks of being-awareness as a fundamental, unified reality that is the essence of all experience. This concept is explored through several key ideas:

Formless and Universal:
Being-awareness is described as formless, invisible to the senses, and without borders or edges. It is not limited by gender, location, or any phenomenal attributes. This awareness is universal and impersonal, not belonging to any individual.

Effortless and Always Present:
Being-awareness is always present and requires no effort to be. It is the natural state of being, not something to be achieved or sought after. This effortless presence is always available.

Being-awareness is self-cognitive; it knows itself, knows that it is, and knows that it perceives. It is not just being, but also knowingness. This knowingness is not dependent on the mind or senses.

The Perceiver:
Being-awareness is the perceiving aspect of all experience. It is that which perceives thoughts, sensations, and the world itself. It is not an object that can be perceived, but rather the very act of perceiving.

The Screen of Consciousness:
Being-awareness is like the screen on which all experiences appear. It is the space in which thoughts, sensations, perceptions arise and disappear, without the screen itself being affected.

One Reality:
Being-awareness is the one and only reality, and everything that appears is made of this same essence. The universe and all of creation arise out of it and within it. There is no separation between the perceiver and the perceived.

Beyond the Mind:
Being-awareness is beyond the mind, which is a limited instrument made of the past. The mind cannot define or know that which knows it. Truth is revealed through the limitless, which is being-awareness, not through the conditioned mind.

Freedom and Peace:
Understanding and recognizing oneself as being-awareness leads to freedom, peace, happiness, and the end of seeking. This freedom is from the illusion of separation, limitation, and personal identity.

Not a Personal Doer:
In being-awareness, there is no personal doer; all action is universal. Events occur effortlessly. The idea of a ‘me’ who is doing or experiencing things is an illusion.

Ananda (Bliss):
The recognition of one’s infinity, eternity, wholeness, freedom, and causeless peace and happiness is Ananda. Ananda is the end of personal desires and the dissolution of the mind in presence.

Invitation to Rest:
Magdi frequently invites individuals to rest as being-awareness. This is a call to move beyond the limited self and recognize one’s true nature as this formless presence.

Ordinary and Extraordinary:
Being-awareness is both ordinary and extraordinary. It is the most obvious and fundamental aspect of our experience, and yet it is often overlooked and misunderstood.

In essence, Magdi’s teachings emphasize that the true self is not a personal entity, but rather a universal, formless, and effortless being-awareness that is the foundation of all existence.


One response to “Being-Awareness”

  1. Magdi Badawy Avatar
    Magdi Badawy

    For additional clarity, ‘being’ refers to reality, that which is and cannot not-be.
    ‘Awareness’ refers to knowingness and is the other facet of the coin.
    In other words, being (Reality) is aware (knowing).

    Concerning emptiness and fullness:
    One could say that being (reality) is the emptiness aspect and awareness (knowingness) is the fullness aspect.
    Reality is empty of form and yet, it is not an empty emptiness since it shines as the light of awareness; it is a full emptiness.

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