I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Tag: featured

  • Magdi’s Meditative Contemplations

    Magdi’s Meditative Contemplations

    Magdi Badawy is a truth-lover and nondual presenter, living in Temecula, California. His free and generous sharing, his pointing, is about the immediacy of yOur true nature, not theoretical discussion. The following is a table of contents of Magdi’s most recent 50 guided meditations (until 11-11-2024). Over time I intend to add links to the…

  • Higher than making-sense

    Higher than making-sense

    “Not everything that can be counted counts,and not everything that counts can be counted.” – Albert Einstein

  • What does Magdi Badawy say about Being?

    What does Magdi Badawy say about Being?

    I uploaded 50 of Magdi’s Meditations (June 15th to November 11th, 2024) to the artificial intelligence app and asked: What does Magdi say about Being? If you never experienced Magdi’s meditations, please tune in at! Understanding Being, according to Magdi Magdi emphasizes the nature of Being as formless, timeless awareness or consciousness that…

  • What am I?

    What am I?

    Even in a depression, Awareness is happy. Holger: What is the lesser burden, to be with what is, or to belief that me and life has to be a certain way? For decades I assumed that I am only body, thoughts and feelings. What a trap and trip, to be unaware of Presence, trying…