I know that I am, but I don't know what I am. (Sanjay Raghav)

Holger: is still incubating in mind and heart…

Simple easy words that very many can understand.

Today I fed Sanjay Raghav’s “Self Abidance Talks“into ai ( and got the following briefing document:

Disclaimer, the following text is machine generated!

Okay, here’s a briefing document summarizing the key themes and ideas from the provided sources, incorporating quotes for emphasis.



The collection of excerpts presents a consistent message centered around the concept of self-realization or awakening. The speaker, Sanjay Raghav, guides listeners toward recognizing their true nature as pure awareness, detached from the ego, mind, and the narratives they construct. This journey involves a shift from identification with the personality (“personhood”) to abiding in “pure presence” or “beingness.” Central themes include the importance of inner longing, the nature of love, the end of suffering, the illusion of the ego, and practical advice on how to live from a place of awareness.


Key Themes & Ideas:


The Nature of True Self: Pure Awareness

  • Definition: The fundamental message is that the true self is not the body, mind, or ego, but a formless, attribute-less, eternal awareness: “I hope these sad songs on this channel of conscious circle helps you to abide in the same consciousness which is formless attribute less and purer purest of the pure and that’s what you are.”
  • Characteristics: This awareness is described as calm, peaceful, loving, kind, compassionate, and empty as space. It is “uninvolved, untainted, always fresh.” “You are presence not a person.”
  • Witnessing: A key practice is to observe thoughts and feelings without judgment or attachment: “You just stay as awareness as an observer observe this body observe your thoughts and soon you will find there is a gap between you and your mind body and this gap is the opening.” The speaker emphasizes: “Pure looking without judgment.”


The Illusion of the Ego (Personhood):

    • Ego as a Filter: The ego is presented as a filter or “mask” (persona) that distorts reality. It’s associated with the mind’s chatter, judgments, likes/dislikes, and the stories we tell ourselves. “Pop is a selfish act anything coming out of ego is pop or evil not in the sense of evil we say it is still coming from the same consciousness but with a filter of ego.”
    • Suffering Arises from Ego: “The suffering comes from the mind and the suffering comes when you believe on this story.” The speaker connects suffering directly to clinging to the ego’s narratives and desires.
    • Transcending the Personality: The goal is to move from “personhood to pure presence.” When in pure presence, “you know nothing matters” regarding learned habits, mannerisms, or cultural beliefs.


    The Role of Love:

      • Unconditional Love: True love is not attachment or desire but “the most beautiful expression of our pure beingness of our awareness.” It is unconditional, not dependent on personal preferences or relationships: “it’s not dependent on whether someone likes you or doesn’t like you whether the other person is related to you not related to you it is uniform for every being living nonliving.”
      • Love as Universal Connection: This love recognizes the interconnectedness of all things, as everything is ultimately the same awareness: “so there are no friends no enemies everyone is part of us only.” It is about giving, not asking.


      The Path to Self-Realization:

        • Longing (Earnest Desire): A strong inner longing to know one’s true self is essential: “The first and foremost thing I believe is your longing that will take you there and the longing is the grace the grace of the self within you.”
        • The Guru Within: “The real master is in all of us real master we are our own master.” While external teachers and guides can be helpful, the ultimate guide is the inner self.
        • Silence and Stillness: Cultivating inner silence and stillness is crucial: “the moment you stop listening to your mind your thoughts the story ends.” This involves ignoring the mind’s chatter and focusing on the present moment.
        • Acceptance and Non-Resistance: Accepting things as they are, without resistance or judgment, is a key element: “You stay as you are you are not good you are not bad you stay as you are peaceful and calm.”
        • Trust and Intuition: Trusting one’s intuition, rather than over-relying on the mind, is vital in navigating life from a place of awareness: “in awareness another innate ability nurse becomes more profound which is intuitive Ness somehow we know from our heart that this is the part to go.”
        • Practice: The speaker stresses that practice is about “not to do anything”.


        Living in Awareness:

          • Choiceless Awareness: “Live in awareness things unfold you accept the results and you move on.” This suggests a state of being where one is not constantly striving or controlling, but allowing life to unfold naturally.
          • The End of Suffering: When one abides in pure awareness, suffering ceases because one no longer identifies with the mind’s story: “suffering is our self-created but in pure beingness pure awareness where everything comes as a blessing even the things which people think are suffering then you are already free free of the mind talk.”
          • Happy Relationships: Applying this awareness to relationships leads to happiness and longevity: “you can only be happy if you are free from your ego when you are free from ego you will not see others ego others will also be an awareness a presence a consciousness a pure being like you then where is the conflict.”


          Practical Guidance:

          • Ignore the Mind: “The end of suffering is ignoring the mind story.”
          • Stay as Awareness: Be an observer of thoughts and feelings.
          • Cultivate Silence: Find moments of stillness and quiet.
          • Trust Your Intuition: Listen to your heart.
          • Accept the Present Moment: Let go of resistance to what is.



          These excerpts outline a spiritual path towards self-realization through the recognition and embodiment of pure awareness. The journey involves detaching from the ego, cultivating inner silence, practicing acceptance, and trusting in the natural unfolding of life. The result is a state of lasting peace, love, and joy.


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