I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Ai Satsang Summary: Living as the transparency of being (02/14/2025)

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Being, Presence, and Awareness

  • The invitation is to simply be, suspending all thoughts and efforts to understand or figure anything out, and let things be, allowing any understanding to reveal itself effortlessly (00:00:23).
  • In this moment, there is no effort in simply hearing words or perceiving the breath, and as thought appears, it does so effortlessly because true self, being awareness, is always available (00:01:35).
  • The effortlessness of being, presence, and awareness can be noticed, and when attention is turned to the body, sensations such as the feet on the ground, the heart pumping, and possible contractions may be felt, all appearing in the borderless spaciousness of awareness (00:03:07).
  • The background of all activity is peace, but conditioned and habituated tendencies to pursue and resist things can be troublesome, requiring much effort and leading to anguish, and it is suggested to embrace all of it and cherish stillness and peace (00:06:44).

Love, Peace, and Freedom

  • The most profound love is the love for freedom, peace, and happiness, which does not go hand in hand with resistance and fear, and it is invited to honor love, peace, and freedom, which is causeless and does not require seeking or achieving anything (00:08:48).
  • The light of awareness shines within, through, and from each individual, and it is suggested to recognize that one is that shining light, aware, and that awareness, which is transparent, borderless, and formless, like the wide open sky (00:10:45).

The Invitation to Be Undefined and Live Freshly

  • The invitation is to be undefined, just for a moment, complete, not knowing, and yet undisturbed, and to inquire into what is not subject to time and space, to awaken to the experience of consciousness directly, not via the mind or thinking (00:12:55).
  • It is suggested to live freshly, moment by moment, meeting every event, instant, and situation without baggage, stories, histories, narratives, and stuff, and to explore the eternal moment, which may take on the form of a thought or sensation, but always appears in timeless presence (00:16:52).

The Reality of the Ocean and Waves

  • The reality of the ocean is water, and the waves in the ocean have the same reality as the ocean itself, and do not have a separate reality, (00:18:58)
  • The flow, interconnectivity, harmony, and rise and fall of the waves can be seen as a musical and beautiful phenomenon, and God’s touch is everywhere and in everything, (00:19:30)

Awareness and Consciousness

  • The terms awareness and Consciousness are used synonymously, and awareness is considered one of the attributes of reality or Consciousness, which is the knowingness aspect of reality, (00:24:32)
  • Being, or isness, is also referred to as sat in Indian scriptures, and it is the absolute reality that cannot be defined by the mind, (00:25:58)
  • Consciousness, being, and reality refer to that which is and cannot not be, and our experience of being is the experience of itself, (00:27:08)
  • Awareness is an attribute of being, and it is not an attribute of a personal mind, but rather the perceiving and knowingness aspect of reality, (00:28:18)
  • The difference between Consciousness and awareness is essentially non-existent, as they are two sides of the same coin, and absolute attributes such as formlessness, happiness, freedom, peace, beauty, wisdom, love, and awareness belong to the absolute and reality, (00:29:11)
  • These absolute attributes do not belong to a personal mind, entity, or character, and they never appear and disappear, but are always present, (00:30:17)

Eternal Consciousness, Shiva, and Shakti

  • The concept of eternal consciousness is discussed, and it is clarified that Shiva and Shakti refer to Consciousness and its manifestation, with Shiva representing Consciousness in stillness and Shakti representing Consciousness in movement (00:31:03).

The Nature of Awareness and Perception

  • The question of whether awareness can be increased is addressed, and it is stated that awareness is always 100% aware, and there is no such thing as less awareness or more awareness, only the belief that awareness belongs to a person (00:33:05).
  • The importance of understanding that awareness does not belong to the body or mind is emphasized, and it is noted that when we attribute awareness to the body or mind, we are conflating reality with the mind (00:33:55).
  • The idea that perception is not personal and does not belong to the body is discussed, and it is stated that if perception belonged to an individual, it would be a female or male perception, but in reality, perception appears in awareness (00:34:27).
  • The notion that awareness needs to be trained or practiced to become more aware is rejected, and it is stated that awareness is always aware and does not require any exercises or practices (00:36:23).

The “I Am” Thought and the Illusion of Separation

  • The confusion about awareness is attributed to the belief that reality belongs to a personal mind, and it is emphasized that understanding that reality belongs to awareness or Consciousness is key to resolving this confusion (00:37:48).
  • The concept of the “I am” thought is discussed, and it is stated that this thought creates a veil that obscures the true nature of awareness, leading to the belief that everything belongs to the individual rather than awareness (00:38:17).
  • The idea that everything arises from the same Source is mentioned, and it is noted that the distinction between the body, mind, and awareness is not real, but rather a game of consciousness (00:38:51).

The Undisturbed Nature of Consciousness

  • Consciousness is not disturbed by activities such as thought, bodily sensations, walking in the woods, or driving to work, as these activities appear within awareness (00:38:55).
  • The belief that awareness is limited and personal is considered ignorance, and this belief is the issue, as awareness does not belong to an individual but is rather the backdrop for all experiences (00:39:25).
  • The personal self, which is a belief, appears in awareness, but awareness does not appear in the personal self, and this understanding is valuable for recognizing the true Metaphysics (00:40:32).
  • Once there is an understanding that reality does not belong to the body-mind, but rather the body-mind appears in reality, it becomes clear that awareness is not limited by the body-mind (00:41:05).

Longing, Suffering, and the Separate Entity

  • The qualities of love, peace, freedom, and joy are considered the perfume of awareness, and longing for these qualities can actually push them away, as it creates a sense of separation from oneself (00:42:18).
  • Longing for love, peace, and tranquility is often a result of seeking to end suffering, as humans inherently know they are meant to be suffering-free, and this longing can be addressed by examining the source of unhappiness (00:43:11).
  • The source of unhappiness is revealed to be the belief in being a separate entity existing in time and space, and this belief gives reality to the separate entity and to time, leading to striving for happiness in the future (00:43:46).

Happiness, the True Self, and Stillness

  • Happiness is actually the natural state, and it can be experienced when one is not seeking anything, such as when walking in the woods without a specific goal or expectation (00:44:30).
  • The true self is an attribute of reality, and it is the aspect that one seeks, with the understanding that the habitual mind activity of seeking is a habit that can be noticed and brought to being (00:44:41).
  • The understanding of peace means not following the thinking about happiness in the future, but rather noticing the thinking and bringing the understanding of being, which is not moving, to the movement that arises in being (00:45:16).
  • The movement of thoughts and sensations should not be chased, but rather allowed to come and sit at the feet of the Stillness, like a puppy, with the understanding that awareness gives discernment and peace (00:46:20).

The Nature of Reality and Awareness

  • Awareness is always aware, always discerning, and always perceiving, and it has realized that it is real and the only reality, which is formless and has no color, shape, or gender (00:47:31).
  • The reality that perceives has no characteristics, but it is immediately accompanied by love and Stillness, with the understanding that awareness is real and the only reality (00:48:31).

The Power of Ignorance and the Play of Consciousness

  • The belief in a separate entity is optional and has no validity once the understanding of its illusory nature arises, at which point the power of ignorance starts to deflate, like air slowly coming out of a balloon (00:51:18).
  • The ignorance that veils Consciousness has an inherent power to obscure, but this power is based on the game of ignorance that Consciousness plays, and it is up to the individual to understand why Consciousness plays this game (00:52:10).
  • The power of ignorance is being discussed, and it is noted that this power is not as strong as the power of God, and that ignorance is actually God’s play, (00:52:46)
  • The idea is presented that God’s power is much stronger than the power of ignorance, and that ignorance is only as powerful as God wills it to be, (00:53:51)
  • The comparison is made between the power of ignorance and the power of the sun, with ignorance being likened to a candle that has no power in front of the sunlight, (00:54:11)

God, Ignorance, and Waking Up

  • The concept of God is discussed, and it is suggested that God is not a separate entity, but rather Consciousness that is all-inclusive and not bothered by what’s going on, (00:55:02)
  • The idea is presented that Consciousness is interested in waking up to itself and ending the game of ignorance, and that this is not something that happens over time, but rather something that can happen right now, (00:55:52)
  • A quote from someone named Mui is mentioned, which illustrates the idea that if someone puts their thumb in front of the sun, they can say the sun doesn’t exist, but this is just an example of ignorance and not a reflection of reality, (00:58:03)

Victimhood and the Exploration of Reality

  • The concept of victimhood is discussed, and it is noted that playing the victim is part of the game of ignorance, where people make excuses or find reasons not to explore or investigate, (00:58:43)
  • The exploration of reality reveals that there is only one reality, which is the reality of Consciousness, and this understanding shifts one’s perspective on the world (00:59:21).

Blocking True Nature and the Power of Thoughts and Emotions

  • When one chooses to give power to personal feelings, emotions, and stories, they are blocking their true nature, but they have the option to stop doing so and remain still in the present, allowing the power of thoughts and emotions to quiet down over time (00:59:41).

Healing and Releasing Uncomfortable Experiences

  • The light of awareness is like the sun shining on an iceberg, melting it, but people often hide from this awareness, and it is only when they stop fueling their reactive mechanisms that they can begin to heal (01:00:57).
  • The process of healing involves exposing and releasing uncomfortable thoughts, emotions, and experiences, such as nightmares, and allowing them to disappear into nothing, which becomes easier with time and understanding (01:01:30).

The Core Investigation and the Nature of Reality

  • The core investigation is to explore the belief that one is a separate entity, a person, and to realize that one’s reality is not the body-mind, but rather Consciousness, in which thoughts, sensations, and images appear and constantly change (01:02:28).

Dogen’s Poem and the Love for Forms

  • A famous poem by Dogen, a Japanese language monk, states that when we fall in love with flowers, they start withering, which can be explained as falling in love with the manifestation rather than the reality of the manifestation, and that our love for the form can wither the flower, meaning that our attachment to objects can lead to their deterioration (01:03:41).
  • The teaching of Dogen’s poem is metaphoric, and the message is that our love for an object can wither it, not in a literal sense, but in the sense that our attachment to the form can lead to its deterioration, and it is essential to understand the meaning behind the words rather than giving power to the words themselves (01:05:13).

Loving the Essence vs. the Form

  • The concept of loving a form, such as a flower, is discussed, and it is noted that this type of love will not last because the form is impermanent and will wither, (01:05:41).
  • Loving the essence of something, rather than its physical form, is a more profound and lasting type of love, as it is not attached to something that will change or wither, (01:05:52).
  • This idea is compared to loving a partner, where one loves the essence of the person, their consciousness, rather than their physical appearance, which can change over time, (01:06:52).
  • The distinction between loving a form and loving the formless is explored, with the idea that the reality of a form is actually formlessness, and that loving a form is actually loving the formless aspect that appears as the form, (01:07:43).

True Love and the Absence of Objects

  • The concept of true love is discussed, with the idea that it is not about attaching oneself to a form, but rather about loving unconditionally and universally, (01:08:09).
  • The idea that there are no objects, only love, is presented, and that in love, there is no mind and no objects, (01:09:12).

The Absolute Source and the “Me” Virus

  • The importance of discriminating between what is arising from the absolute source and what is being influenced by the “me” virus, or ego, is emphasized, (01:12:26).
  • The idea that everything is allowed to appear and play out, and that everything is an expression of one love, is discussed, with the notion that there is no spiritual person, only love and understanding, (01:12:53).
  • The concept of the game of Consciousness, where reality is knowing itself or veiling itself, is presented, with the idea that it is all a play, but not necessarily a happy one, (01:13:24).

Expressions of Gratitude

  • Expressions of gratitude are being shared, with thanks given to multiple individuals, including Mat, Magdi, and Mar, for something that is considered amazing and beautiful (01:14:04).
  • The appreciation is being directed towards these people, with repeated thanks being expressed, indicating a sense of sincerity and heartfelt emotion (01:14:07).
  • The thanks are being given to each person individually, with specific names being mentioned, such as Mat, Mark, and Magdi, emphasizing the personal nature of the gratitude (01:14:28).


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