I know that I am, but I don't know what I am.

Category: Non-dual

  • The illusion of separation

    The illusion of separation

    “In essence, Magdi’s teachings aim to dismantle the illusion of separation by revealing our true nature as formless, borderless awareness, the one and only reality. By understanding and embodying this truth, we can experience the causeless peace, joy, and freedom that is our natural state.”

  • Come back to the self you never left…

    Come back to the self you never left…

    Walter: This is a new video from Rupert. It is a nice guided mediation about remembering that which we already are – our true selves – pure awareness (or consciousness).

  • Recognizing the ‘I Am’ That is Always Present

    Recognizing the ‘I Am’ That is Always Present

    “Amoda Maa’s YouTube video discusses the nature of presence, arguing that it’s not a specific state like stillness or alertness but an ever-present “I am” underlying all experiences. The speaker contends that by shifting attention from the content of experience (emotions, thoughts) to this underlying “I am,” individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of beingness…

  • Ai: The liberating understanding (12/22/2024)

    Ai: The liberating understanding (12/22/2024)

    “The guided meditation transcript presents a profound exploration of consciousness and reality. The core message encourages a shift in perspective, urging the listener to move beyond the limitations of the ego-mind and identify with the formless, universal awareness that is their true nature. It challenges the listener’s habitual identification with thoughts, feelings, and the body,…

  • The Cosmic Joke

    The Cosmic Joke

    “This Satsang session offers a profound exploration of non-dual philosophy and the nature of self. Through a blend of teachings, guided contemplation, and interactive dialogue, it encourages listeners to dismantle the illusion of separate self and discover the inherent freedom and peace that lie within their true nature. The speaker’s compassionate and humorous approach makes…

  • What do you mean by ‘I’?

    What do you mean by ‘I’?

    “This document analyzes a transcribed dialogue from a spiritual gathering, led by a truth lover named Magdi. The discussion centers around non-dual awareness…”      Loving, kind, understanding. Forgiving, because everything and everyone is yourself. The mind becomes more and more comfortable in being, in not knowing. The journey into God is endless. A delightful journey.

  • What is Awareness?

    What is Awareness?

    Please don’t just rush and devour the words, but let them be alive in you – Awareness, echoing from the depth of being


    Thank you Roger Castillo, for patiently sharing your deep thoughts and love for truth! Thank you for hammering home the me-chanism of suffering. Note to self (for Holger):